Author Topic: 12V on Power, 24V on DIN input  (Read 10138 times)

Offline spittet

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12V on Power, 24V on DIN input
« on: November 17, 2017, 06:50:26 PM »

On any programmable controller in the Danfoss family, is it OK if we power the controller by a 12V source but the a DIN input pin is connected to a switch that can toggle between GND and 24V source?

Have a good day!


Offline Nilla

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Re: 12V on Power, 24V on DIN input
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2017, 09:06:59 AM »
Hi Spittet!

For the PLUS+1 MC0XX-1XX Controller Family, as can be read in Technical Information L1321895 BC00000227en-US0301 on page 8, a digital input DIN has a Input voltage
range 0-36V.

Also the PLUS+1 SC Controller Family, as can be read in Technical Information L1206334 BC00000205en-US0701 on page 11, a digital input DIN has an allowed voltage at pin 0-36V.

This means for the controllers mentioned above there shouldn't be any issue if you connect your controller as in your text.

I hope this helps!

Best regards
PLUS+1 Helpdesk team