Using +1 GUIDE, I discovered that there is a JS1H_PVE template and also a Service Tool, JS1-H PVE_70201197v105.
However, on JS1H TI, I didn't find any information about the possibilty that programmable JS1H-PVE.
So, my first test to know if we could make specific software for this joystick is to try to flash one empty software on one.
For my test I use one 83069483 - JS1H-XY-PSH-S-NNN-TSP7-U-V1A-NNN-Y1A-Y1A-R1A-NNN-NNN-O1A-NNN-NNN-NNN-%%%-BNKN-NN.
With Service Tool, I could communicate with it and change parameters.
This joystick is flashed with application ID JS1-H_PVE_V115, version 70198078V115
When I try to flash my empty software, I have one message E247 : File not intended for this ECU.
I already checked that fiels "Target part number" and "Target serial number" were empty.
So my questions are :
Could we do a specific software for JS1H_PVE ?
Is there any limit using this joystick like a controller ?
Where could I find the software JS1-H_PVE_V115 to flash it back after my tests ?
Thanks for your help