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Displays / DM1x00 digital camera hardware and use
« Last post by BRIan on June 02, 2024, 03:40:39 AM »
Has anyone got an example of real life connection of digital camera and DM1200?
Displays / Re: DM700 HWD FILE
« Last post by pinias on May 31, 2024, 06:16:29 PM »
Hey JordyHV

ok, that is in the subscribed list

the questions is why is it not available for download and get it installed on the +1 GUIDE?

do I need the latest version of guide to get it available for download? not sure I have been able to work with the DM1XXX with older versions of GUIDE
if I modify my subscriptions leaving the DM700 only and save that then I got nothing for download. :'(

 have you tried to get it available for download? did it work? what version of guide are you working with?

Thank you
Displays / Re: DM700 HWD FILE
« Last post by Link on May 31, 2024, 04:24:57 PM »
Hello Pinias,

That means you're already "subscribed" to these updates, if you look in the top right you see your active subsriptions, with an edit button.
Press that edit button and search for the DM700 HWD files.
Displays / Re: DM700 HWD FILE
« Last post by pinias on May 31, 2024, 02:25:04 PM »
Hi Thor.

well, my +1 update center has that missed

see attached picture of the version I got

I appreciate any feedback about


Displays / Re: DM700 HWD FILE
« Last post by Tor on May 31, 2024, 07:57:11 AM »
Hello Pinias,

It's in there.  See attached image.

Have a nice day.
Displays / Bug in Screen Editor
« Last post by williamk on May 31, 2024, 01:09:25 AM »
I have a widget that I created and when I place it into a screen and go to resize it, the container makes whatever direction I try to resize '0'.

Then when I try to make the size bigger than '0' get an error message saying, "The object dimensions (15x235) will make child object(s) larger than the maximum allowed 1024x1024 pixels.Please enter value less than 1 pixels."  (Where '15' is the random number I tried to resize it to).
Displays / DM700 HWD FILE
« Last post by pinias on May 30, 2024, 02:59:59 PM »
Hey Guys,

Do you know where can I get the DM700 HWD file?

My Plus1 update center does not show it

Thank you


Controllers / Re: Output Configured for both/either Sinking or Sourcing
« Last post by Lukey on May 30, 2024, 09:59:32 AM »
I've managed to get the pin to function as both sink and source with out issue on the PLUS+1 Hardware.

Issues arises with the relays I am driving externally.
As the configuration is basically 2 relays in series, the coil holding voltage once energised is high enough that the relays do not energise.
24V system, 2 relays in series, sees 12v across each coil, this is enough for them to energised.

I believe I can you some kind of diode configuration but I haven't worked out which yet.
Communication / Re: BUS Load - CANOpen vs J1939
« Last post by Lukey on May 30, 2024, 09:56:39 AM »
Fantastic information thanks jashom1
Displays / DM1200 CAN connection protection
« Last post by BRIan on May 30, 2024, 03:05:06 AM »
Any idea what the protection is on the CAN pins? Reverse polarity, voltage, short?
We had instances where some CAN sensors (24V) didn't have an earth and this trashed the DM that was on the same CANbus.
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