PLUS+1 Tools > PLUS+1 Service Tool

Error 270 Invalid data in file


Martin s.:
 >:( >:( Any body knows what this error means, and how to solve it? I am getting when i try to download my project to a MC050-10

I had this error one time also.
Do you have a version of the program that does not show this error?
If so Check all changes made, and re-do them.

If not I would remove blocks until the error goes away, and try to pinpoint where the problem is.

Maybe there is a better way, but the informations you have given. That is what I would do.

Hope it helps.

Martin s.:
Great input! It showed out to be related to a Can Tx block, not sure what was wrong, by redoing the block solved the problem. Thaks for the input!


Smells like something OS related, where maybe a newer CAN block, once compiled, is not compatible with older firmware/OS in an MC050-010.  What was the OS version?


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