PLUS+1 Tools > PLUS+1 Service Tool

Error 540


I am fairly new to this and I am currently trying to install software to a micro controller and have had good luck up until this last one.  I keep getting an error of:

CRC failed
Error: 540
Function: DownloadeFile

I can't seem to find any documentation on what that error is.  It would be nice to have an idea so I could troubleshoot and possible resolve the issue.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I had this problem several times. The only way to make it work for me, was to do a new "full compile" in Guide.

Thank you for the reply,  I was able to get it to go without a problem.  But what confuses me is that one of our floor workers had transferred the file and got the error.  They sent it out without saying anything.  That controller works without any issues.  I've been keeping a close eye on it for any un-intended functions.


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