Author Topic: Proemion DataPlatform Status Maintenance - Service downtime 19th of June 2019  (Read 17952 times)

Offline Nilla

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Hi all!

We've got a status update from Proemion on the status of their current Data Platform update.

Service downtime due to system maintenance

Upcoming scheduled maintenance notice
To facilitate the growth of the DataPlatform, we will be performing a major backend system update that will lead to a service interruption of approximately 2 hours on Wednesday between 6:30 and 8:30 AM CEST.

During the interruption, all systems will be shut down. DataPortal and API will not be available.
The communication units will store recorded data in their non-volatile memory. After the migration, these datasets will be transmitted to our server.
Real-Time diagnosis sessions will not be possible during the interruption.
After the maintenance, all data will be available to the DataPlatform users as before.

We are sorry for the inconvenience caused by this larger update. Our regular system updates are performed without impact to the availability, but for this major update, we cannot avoid this downtime.

Start time
Jun 19, 06:30 CEST

Components Affected
Data Web Access - Standard Portal, Data Web Access - DataPortal, Data Web Access - Web Service, Data Web Access - REST API, Machine Data Ingestion - Connection Service and 3 more components.

View full scheduled maintenance details

We hope this won't cause you any issues!

Best regards
PLUS+1 Helpdesk team