Author Topic: J1939 Memory Access Protocol (DM14, DM15, DM16)  (Read 18362 times)

Offline PosFdbk~~~~~

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J1939 Memory Access Protocol (DM14, DM15, DM16)
« on: October 10, 2022, 04:18:35 PM »
Has anybody implemented the J1939 Memory access protocol in GUIDE (DM14, DM15, DM16)?  Specifically, the PLUS+1 device changing a parameter on a remote device (not PLUS+1)?  I took a quick look in J1939-73 and the state diagram in Appendix C made me think that the J1939 memory access protocol is inherently complex...

Does anybody have advice about this or code to share?  Also wondering if anybody else has run into this and wished Danfoss had blocks ready for this (like they do for DM1, DM2, Address Claim, etc).

« Last Edit: October 10, 2022, 04:27:52 PM by PosFdbk~~~~~ »