« Last post by Lukey on May 21, 2024, 04:25:21 AM »
Mike I am using the applog for daily logging on a drill rig, logging at 1 second intervals with more that 20 points.
The work around I have is that I create 1/the 1st point that is my 'header' of the CSV file, using Commas as my delimiter between the 'points' I am logging, this 1st point is written only once at the beginning of the log.
This is done so that when processing the CSV in excel by using 'Text to Columns' feature, each column of data then has a header for reference.
The second point is a STRING of all the points that I want to log, using a POU and instruction CONCAT, I merge all my inputs together, inserting a comma delimiter between (for the reason above), and then outputting a STRING to the applog
This 2nd point is written at 1 second intervals.
I haven't found any character limitations using a STRING in this method.
See the screenshots, my 2nd point is actually 3 STRINGS, again separated by a delimiter of a comma for processing in Excel.
I also have the CS500 in my project, yes it is completely useless for applogging/datalogging, as it can't receive strings, signed values and is limited to 31 byte messages (U31).
PLUS+1Connect Reports and Charts don't have the capabilities of the applog. Plus+1HelpDesk has told me it's in the pipeline, don't hold your breath.