Hello Lukey,
Thank you very much for your replay.
I had using this table I/O Module CAN Message Identifiers. Please see image.
Befoe I use Id 56 (7) but now AddrMode=2 is 0x1B8 and 0x338
64 (

but now AddrMode=2 is 0x1C0 and 0x340
I didn't find an I/O Module CAN Message Identifiers example but I think my addressage is correct. But I didn't know step by step to do that.
What I did: I change my configuration in Plus+1 as I tell you and after that I change by service tools AddrMode to 2 and Frame to 1.
As you see in my second image I don't know about Frames error. And it's updated every time. As you see is 16 but it can be higher than that.
Please Could you tell me the cause of those frame errors.
Thanks for help
with best regards
mac bahi