On the WS403 you can open the module and pull the SD card and see the data in spreadsheet format, but it's only data that the WS403 hasn't yet to send (it deletes off the SD card after sending). I don't know much about using the applog function with PLUS+1, but I do recall that it isn't a high speed or highly prioritized function. In fact, it could be that your limitation here is that the applog isn't transmitting out the data to the WS403 fast enough, so perhaps the issue is with that and not the WS403 transmission speed. It sounds like you're reading data from the applog and transmitting that over CAN to the WS403 - correct? In that case it sounds like the applog is really only being used as a buffer which isn't really necessary for the WS403 since it has the SD card for a buffer.
I think the typical usage of the WS403 would be to send the data directly onto the CAN bus for the WS403 to read as the data is received rather than first putting data in the applog and then sending that to the WS403. Then the applog function could run side-by-side with the WS403 logging as a completely separate function. Does that all make sense?