Author Topic: IOX-024 with MC088  (Read 11100 times)


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IOX-024 with MC088
« on: April 17, 2012, 05:21:21 PM »
I'm getting a compiler error of:

*** ERROR 63 ***  [GLINK]   MIXED SIGNAL TYPES: SIGNAL1: {C2p03.PinStatus}, TYPE1: {U8}, FILE1: {MAINMODULE.EXR}, SIGNAL2: {C2p03.PinStatus}, TYPE2: {U16} FILE2: {10108068V160.EXR}
Search results for: C2p03.PinStatus:
   Occurrence #1:
      MAINMODULE!TOP!Status1!C2p03_DOut!C2p03 (210,168)

It occurs for all of the OUTPUT pin numbers on the I/O Module that are also OUTPUT pin numbers on the MC088.  I've tried deleting the bus connection to PinStatus on the I/O module, but it has no effect.  Is there any fix for this?

« Last Edit: April 17, 2012, 07:51:53 PM by MNewberry »

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Re: IOX-024 with MC088
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2012, 10:40:11 PM »
Trace your components that are operating on the signals that are feeding the pins that are getting the errors... looks like you are switching from an Unsigned 8 (U8) to a Unsigned 16 (U16) without doing a ReType somewhere in your application.

Good luck...