I am developing an application that activates on/off valves sequentially, a pulse starts the sequence, write true to activate valve 1, cylinder 1 activates sensor 1 and turns off memory 1 (write false), I use the lowering button of the memory 1 so that memory 2 writes tru and activates valve 2 and so on until the entire sequence is executed. all memories have the same connection and configuration (bool). The problem occurs in memory 45, the name assigned to the first memory is MT1_B1 for routine 1, MT2 _B2 for routine 2, etc. The problem occurs to me in step MT45_B4. Is there any restriction on the names used for these components? Another possible problem is that I develop the application using an hwd file for mc012_110 (it is the hardware that I have available to run and monitor in servicetool), then I copy the routines and paste them into the program to use on the machine, which is a mc050_110, both files are compiled without errors, the drivers can be loaded into the controllers, both drivers can be monitored without problem using service tool, but on the field hardware (mc050) the routine is interrupted at step MT45_B4. Is there any restriction on the maximum number of memories and/or their names?