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« Last post by Camox on Today at 08:35:08 AM »
Hello Tor,
Thank you for your response.
I found a solution by creating a new project and copying the contents of the program in error.
For the record, this is a project I've been working on for several weeks and the path is identical.

Have a nice day!
« Last post by Tor on Today at 07:36:13 AM »

I have looked through some of the cases with this "Error 587" but have not come to any conclusion with only the information provided.

Some things to test. Please do a back up first!
1) Check if there are any non latin characters in the project path.
2) If the project is located in a synced network folder (OneDrive), please copy it it to a local folder and compile. If it's a Display project, the build folder (introduced in v2023.3.3) might be in a synced folder (GUIDE > Setup > Options > Compilation, look at the build folder path). If changing the path, copy the existing path in case you want to go back.

If this doesn't help, please contact PLUS+1 Helpdesk:
They will probably ask for the application to do some test.

Have a nice day.
PLUS+1 CS Hardware / Re: Need help setting up CS10
« Last post by PatrickS on January 20, 2025, 10:07:58 PM »
Thank you for the info, however; I'm still having issues.

I downloaded the latest CS10 P1D, however; that one did not show a 'Machine State determination' page,
so i then found an older P1D that does show the page.

When I go to that page and try to 'Force Full access mode', I just get an error message saying 'E2522: Operation restricted ...'
which is the same error I get when trying to change the SSID or password.

On another note, is there a way to connect to the gateway directly? when I'm connected via Bluetooth, it's takes a long time for the gateway to show up in the Interlink list, and even after i establish communication, it often drops out.
« Last post by Camox on January 20, 2025, 05:06:16 PM »
I have the same errors after little modifications in a software.
Do you have a solution ?

Guide version : 2024.4.3
PLUS+1 Compliant Hardware / Re: DM430E with MBS 1250
« Last post by PetrHSC on January 20, 2025, 05:18:40 AM »
Yes, I went through datasheet as well and found it there. But still, always good to confirming with someone with more experiences.

Got 5Vdc separate supply for now, and it works all good.

Thanks, oiltronic. Much appreciated.

PLUS+1 Compliant Hardware / Re: DM430E with MBS 1250
« Last post by oiltronic on January 19, 2025, 05:26:35 AM »
According to the DM430E datasheet you need the DM430E-2-x-x-x to get the 5V on pin 8.  Since you don't have that, and since you are using a ratiometric 0-5V sensor, your options are:
  • Switch to the DM430E-2-0-1-0,
  • use a different sensor that takes 8-30V and outputs 0-5V, or one that takes 12-30V and outputs 0-10V, or
  • get a separate 5VDC power supply.
I/O Modules / Re: No IO Modules in Hardware List
« Last post by STGBruce on January 17, 2025, 06:06:47 PM »
That was the help I needed, Thank you!
I/O Modules / Re: No IO Modules in Hardware List
« Last post by Tor on January 17, 2025, 07:14:54 AM »
Hello STGBruce,

If you don't see in the the Hardware tab it might be that you don't have installed the components from the PLUS+1 Update Center, and you have the PLUS+1 GUIDE setting to not show folders that are empty.
The setting can be found here: PLUS+1 GUIDE > Setup > Options > Tabs.  In the "Tabs Settings" you can uncheck the box "Hardware tab hides empty folders".

In PLUS+1 Update Center you have to select the components in your subscription, download and install them.
Click the "Edit" button in the top right corner, go to Content > Compliance Blocks > IO Modules.  Save selection, button on bottom right. Refresh (F5) if needed and install.

I hope this works out.
I/O Modules / No IO Modules in Hardware List
« Last post by STGBruce on January 17, 2025, 02:21:16 AM »
Thinking of using an IOX module on an application to add additional IO, but there are no IO modules in my hardware list.
I have tried going through update center, but don't see it in the available downloads.
Also tried searching online with no luck.
PLUS+1 Compliant Hardware / DM430E with MBS 1250
« Last post by PetrHSC on January 17, 2025, 02:14:05 AM »
Hi Team,

I'm fairly new in PLUS+1 and whole this field. So sorry if this is a stupid question...

I have DM430 and trying to do a simple reading off the MBS 1250 on the display gauge.

1x DM430E-0-0-1-0
1x MBS 1250 0-250bar (063G1422)

I'm using a Functional blocks for MBS 1250 connected like this:
Input = Pin 6 (DigIn/AnIn) set up as per MBS manual:
n/a Bias
n/a Range
3000 DigThresHigh
2000 DigThresLow

Pin 8 = DigIn/AnIn using as 5V supply Pin 8-Snsr_Pwr

First question:
Can I use Pin 8 DigIn/An as my "Snsr_Pwr"? I saw there is a version of DM430 (DM430E-2-0-0-0) which is already having pin 8 define as Snsr_Pwr. Looking inside the program for this pin and comparing Pin.08_DigIn/AnIn and Pin.08_Snsr_Pwr, both have Voltage in it.
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