I really haven't got time to look anything over, but I can offer some advice. First, I recommend going through the tutorials in the GUIDE user manual starting on page 502. The e-learned, sadly, is very much outdated in many ways.
Next, use the Service Tool to monitor input from your joystick (CAN or no?). If it is a CAN joystick then you'll want to get the Compliance block for it to make it easier to pick up the X and Y axis. Then you'll want to get the Compliance block for the PVEA actuator. These compliance blocks have a user manual that you'll want to at least skim. Also the technical manual for your PVEA will indicate how to wire it and what sort of signal it needs (10% to 90% of battery voltage I think). Following all that, see if you can get one joystick axis to drive one PVEA and go from there.