I have a PVG32 with PVED-CC coils, some of which have a floating position. However I'm having a hard time in making them reach the float position. I'm using a simple Tx block to send control data, where the address is the coil's ID, 1st byte is the spool position value and 3rd byte is the direction (1 or 2 for moving forward and backwards). The thing is that as the floating position is actually achieved at the cost of maximum spool's position in one direction I was told to simply force the spool into this position (say BYTE1:250 and BYTE3:1) and it should do the trick. But it doesn’t. I've read through the manual and it says that there is a special position for float. It's value is 3. But It's not responding if I sent 3 through BYTE3. I've tried using CANKing to get the response from the coil when I move it manually. I can see that the spool is physically capable of reaching the float position. I get the values and direction at which this is achieved but when I send those data I get nothing. I've always been using this method of steering the PVED-CC and it worked well so far. But it fails now. Could someone help me out? I'd appreciate any suggestions. Maybe there's a special block for PVED-CC coils? I'll take a look at the SD download page.