PLUS+1 Hardware > Controllers

Other cases with screw connection for central systems ???

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I want to ask the users, if they also need other boxes:

For all my applications the "Deutsch" connector of the controller is not good for intern connection.
We install the controller in a box or in the machine. So wie don't need IP68, only IP20.
And we need screw connectors to connect the wires direct to the controller.
Now I put a terminal block between the controller and the machine.
It is to expensive and to large.

What do you think?
Do you also wait for controllers to install on a cap rail or in a box and with the possibility
to connect via a screw connector? So you can connect more than one wire in one pin.

I hope, Sauer-Danfoss is working on this.

Yep would be great. We almost always use the controllers inside a cabinet so no need for it to be IP...high.

I also put the controllers in a larger box, but I like the current plugs because even in a "waterproof" cabinet, moist and dampness will allways be an issue, this is the case for our machines anyway.
However I do see the benefits of a smaller Plus1 case with screw terminals, as long as it is easy to unplug and replace the controller.

Hello Gents,

Please see the attached datasheet for a breakout interface box, and drop me an email if you required any further info.

Regards, Ian.

Very nice.
What is the price for it?

I don't find prducts from them on their homepage?



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