Author Topic: DP610 colour issues  (Read 17659 times)

Offline Richard

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DP610 colour issues
« on: March 18, 2011, 10:06:33 AM »
I'm having trouble with the colours changing a bmp.  I'll create a simple bitmap, add it to the library in the screen editor and it changes colour immediately, on other occasions it waits until I drag it in to a screen before screwing up.  On others I'll have to exit the screen and then it changes on re-entry.

I've checked the obvious, it's 8 bit, I've recreated it using different software, it uses the pallette from the bmp, I've deleted it and created another with a different name.  The colour changes from a shade of orange to yellow and the simulator shows the same problem so does a real DP610.  The software I'm using it not new, I used it for countless other bmp before and after with no problems.

Any ideas or work arounds?



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Re: DP610 colour issues
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2011, 07:06:35 AM »
Hi Richard!

This was a odd one, please send it to because this is something we need to look closer at.

Sorry for your troubles // Thomas


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Re: DP610 colour issues
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2011, 08:10:22 AM »
I also have some troubles with the colours, since using V5...
1. When I open a project created with v4.x the texts on a screen area aren't black. It seems, that they are a kind of brown... (see image). On the Display, the colours are OK.

2. The next issue is to control the colour of a bitmap. In versions earlier than 5, I was able to change the colour of a b/w bitmap by using a signal. In the new Plus1, the change has no effect. The image is still black.