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Displays / Data logging limitation
« Last post by Mike AA on May 21, 2024, 01:33:12 AM »
I am using the applog data logging ability to frequently record machine data, unlike most who use the logging for errors and alerts we are using it for daily logging. I have nearly 30 data points that I need to log. I know about the 20 point limitation and it really hinders data analysis and makes merging data much more time consuming. Has anyone had any luck on a danfoss work around doing more than 20 points? There must be a reason for the 20 point limitation since you can log data until you run out of memory. MY current work around involves having 3 machine data logs which I still need to further manipulate taking more time.

I am using the applog like was discussed in this thread

I am investigating the data logging properties of the CS10 and CS100 but they appear to be very limited to non existant.

I started looking at external data loggers but they add more complexity by needing to convert the log file.
PLUS+1 GUIDE / Re: Guide Text Box Tab
« Last post by Tor on May 16, 2024, 11:46:04 AM »
Hello Scott_MARL,

I did a quick test with similar texts in v2024.1.5 and it seems to work.

Can you do some test with the latest version of PLUS+1 GUIDE as well?
If you see the same issues please report it to

Thank you.
PLUS+1 GUIDE / Guide Text Box Tab
« Last post by Scott_MARL on May 15, 2024, 06:17:41 PM »
Using version Guide 2023.3.4.5537
The text box does not display tab as expected or consistently
I attached a photo of the text editor and the resulting text box

Controllers / Re: NV Memory writing error
« Last post by Tor on May 13, 2024, 07:51:51 AM »
Hello federico.furlani,

The issue with the NV_Memory was found in version 2024.1.3 and was fixed in 2024.1.4.
The recommendation is to update to the latest version of PLUS+1 GUIDE. Today it's 2024.1.5.  You can find it in the PLUS+1 Update Center.

Have a nice day.
Controllers / Re: MC018 C1p11 error 23 and 665
« Last post by macbahi on May 08, 2024, 02:31:45 PM »
Hello Fitz

Thank you very much to answer me.
The error it's was feedback but plus+1 compiler show other thinks.
Since I installed the last version the compilation it's not as before.

Any way thanks sir.

With best regards
mac bahi
Controllers / Re: NV Memory writing error
« Last post by federico.furlani on May 08, 2024, 11:13:44 AM »
Exact version is 2024.1.3.5743.

Do we need to update our installations?
Controllers / Re: NV Memory writing error
« Last post by Camox on May 07, 2024, 01:32:25 PM »
What is your exact version?

Version 2024.1.4 had a memory problem.
Here is an extract from the Guide release notes:
Version 2024.1.4
2024.1.4 (February 2024)
What is Fixed
[P100006950] Some fonts were incorrectly reported as missing.
[P100006939] In some cases, an application containing images would not compile.
[P100006956] NV memory writes

Have a nice day
Controllers / NV Memory writing error
« Last post by federico.furlani on May 07, 2024, 11:01:37 AM »
Hi all,
I'm facing an error in memory writing.
It seems that with the new version, 2024.1, an original logics part, migrated from 2023.3, that has no problem, started with writing error.
If I reduce the logics with this memory handling, is seems ok.

If I write this memory from Service Tool, it is ok. If I write this mem from logics, it takes the previuos value at power cycle.

General controls / Re: HINT 4000 DISABLE
« Last post by Mike AA on May 06, 2024, 11:15:12 PM »
Figured it out myself. Once again, search the help. In the options there is a setting to de-select the hints.
Controllers / Output Configured for both/either Sinking or Sourcing
« Last post by Lukey on May 05, 2024, 08:58:04 AM »
Is it possible for an output to function as both Sinking and Sourcing?

I successfully test complied an application that changes the Output mode from 1 to 2 during runtime of the controller.

I took examples from this topic

By setting my INIT hardware output to constant 1 / sourcing

Then used a switch to change the pin OutputMode from 1 to 2 with an bool signal.

Does the output hardware physically allow this to function as intended/programmed? is there any risk to damage?
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