Hell Turkey
Thank you to replay me and sorry for my English.
*****The output pin is working as it should according to the pin description and what you are explaining is occurring****
Sorry I took about DigFeedBack. As wrote in description: it's true when output is activated and when output is open. So for both case is True. How can you do test?
For that I did as showing in my picture. My logic is working as I told you when the output is on at the first time. After that if the load broken or disconnected my feedback cannot change. I hope you understand what I mean. I think if you do test you will understand me.
Normally when we use Output Multi function the FeedBack is current from load. It's easy.
*****I think your interpretation of how it operates is not correct*******
here you took about my logic or DigFeedBack

Any way, Please could you give me your feedback logic?
Thanks in advance for your help
With best regards