Author Topic: Draw lines and points  (Read 21088 times)

Offline F.M.Elettromeccanica

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Draw lines and points
« on: October 21, 2023, 07:41:34 PM »
Hi all, i was wondering if there is a fast and easy way to draw lines and points dinamically. I have an array that defines a number of points (0 to 4096) and i wish to draw as points as the array length is. I can do this easily in other developement  platforms (java,codesys,QT etc) but seems that is not possible to do it in GUIDE. i should to populate all 4096 elements in screen editor and them manage them manually???  :o. It' a huge work to do something that i can do in fwe lines of code in other dev envitonment. I hope i'm wrong...

Offline acmall

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Re: Draw lines and points
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2023, 09:25:55 AM »
There is no way that I know of but I would be happy to be proven wrong as I would also like this ability. Our distributer brought a Danfoss rep to visit us a five years ago and I raised this with him. He said he would bring it back as an enhancement request but never heard any more about it.

I keep hoping for improved functionally for the screens with each new Guide release, as you have said, they are quite a long way behind the main competition for both functionary and ease of use, but still nothing in 2023.3. I would have thought it would have been a priority to catch up but it has been seven major releases since there has been any functionality added for screens.

Offline FluidPowerTom

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Re: Draw lines and points
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2023, 05:09:38 PM »
There is no way that I know of but I would be happy to be proven wrong as I would also like this ability. Our distributer brought a Danfoss rep to visit us a five years ago and I raised this with him. He said he would bring it back as an enhancement request but never heard any more about it.

I keep hoping for improved functionally for the screens with each new Guide release, as you have said, they are quite a long way behind the main competition for both functionary and ease of use, but still nothing in 2023.3. I would have thought it would have been a priority to catch up but it has been seven major releases since there has been any functionality added for screens.

It's excellent to hear that you're seeing these issues as well.  I've continued to actively avoid using Danfoss displays due to their extremely poor programmability compared to the competition.  We just use the controllers with other displays which isn't something we've kept secret from Danfoss.  I realize there's been a band aid with some canned gauges and gauge panels, but last I checked they were pretty weak.

I try to talk with other developers at trainings and conferences, and the only people I've met who enjoy programming these displays are ones with a lot of free time to make custom graphics in Inkscape.  I met a guy at a training who showed me how he made custom gauges, and it was like 15 minutes to make a gauge.  Then if you want changes to stuff like tick marks, colors, or labels then it's more time back into Inkscape.  It looked excellent, but holy cow it definitely was taking easily 5-10 times longer than it would take in CoDeSys.
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Offline F.M.Elettromeccanica

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Re: Draw lines and points
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2023, 12:48:15 AM »
i really don't understand why Danfoss is going straight in this way.  Also for us is common to use P1 only as ECU and other display or HMI to have a confortable UI. Last week i met our Danfoss dealer and i reported again this issue,but he confirmed there is nothing ready to get danfoss display better than so. So disappointed >:(

Offline Marbek_Elektronik

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Re: Draw lines and points
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2023, 03:23:04 PM »
I will do (next weeks) a x-y-graph on a DM430E.
I want to vary parameters and then see how the graph changes.
I hope this works.
Then I'll post it if it helps.
Of course, there are a lot of points and every point has to set per value.
Marbek Elektronik, Dipl.-Ing. Bernd Konrad
Dienstleistung, Entwicklung, Herstellung