Author Topic: Invalid character  (Read 11751 times)


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Invalid character
« on: December 27, 2012, 05:47:44 PM »
Good morning,

I'm helping a gentleman troubleshoot some code for a DP610.  He's not sure what happened, but he believes that while he was coding, Guide started auto-saving his file.  At that point, he started getting this error (see also attached screen shot):

An invalid character was found in text content.
Line:  379
     <String LanguageIndex="1" TextData

At this point, this error occurs when we try to open the file, so we're unable to edit or save the project.  Not sure what to try from here.  Has anyone run into this before?


***UPDATED*** 2013-01-13
For the record, Randy at Sauer helped us fix this error.  There is a file called TextData.TDS that is unpacked from the P1P file.  There was a rogue character shown in this file at the line indicated in the error message.  We had to open the file with Notepad and delete this character; after that, everything worked just fine.  We're still not sure exactly how this character was entered into the text file, but it is fixed.  Thanks, Randy!
« Last Edit: January 14, 2013, 01:03:41 AM by MolerDesign »