PLUS+1 Tools > PLUS+1 Update Center

Update Center Won't Start - Black Screen with Error "Exception EOleException..."


Hello All,

I recently installed Update Center to install Plus+1, but anytime I try to start it, I get a Command Prompt popup that briefly states, "Exception EOleException in module P1UpdateCenter.exe at 00114BAB. Invalid class.", then disappears.

Are there any fixes for this? Thank you for your time.

Hello mfor,

This error seems to appear when a WMI repository file within Windows is corrupted.
This should be a situation where onsite IT personnel should have the knowledge to reobtain this file.
There have been multiple confirmations from customers that their IT department was able to restore/rebuild the WMI repository and everything was working again.

I'm sorry, but this is all information I have.

Have a nice day.


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