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Displays / Export image library for old project
« Last post by Camox on September 03, 2024, 04:44:12 PM »
I'm in the process of reworking an old DP600 screen project.
When I copy my screen definitions, the image and text libraries are not copied.
I have found a way to export the text definitions from my old project and import them into my new project.
But I can't do it for the images. There are no import and export methods available for images and pasting images doesn't work.

Do you have a solution?

Thanks in advance
Hello mfor,

This error seems to appear when a WMI repository file within Windows is corrupted.
This should be a situation where onsite IT personnel should have the knowledge to reobtain this file.
There have been multiple confirmations from customers that their IT department was able to restore/rebuild the WMI repository and everything was working again.

I'm sorry, but this is all information I have.

Have a nice day.
Hello All,

I recently installed Update Center to install Plus+1, but anytime I try to start it, I get a Command Prompt popup that briefly states, "Exception EOleException in module P1UpdateCenter.exe at 00114BAB. Invalid class.", then disappears.

Are there any fixes for this? Thank you for your time.
Displays / Re: Read Extracted AppLog
« Last post by Lukey on August 21, 2024, 06:16:04 AM »
What kind of applog data manipulation are you running/processing/doing?

I would look into Excel Scripts/Macros or VBA Macros to streamline your data manipulation if you are repeating the same processes.

Also once you have that formula/process for the data manipulation defined you could build an executable file that would auto complete your post processing requirements.
Displays / Read Extracted AppLog
« Last post by QWERTY on August 20, 2024, 08:45:31 PM »
Hello, I have a DM1200 Display and I recently started to use the AppLog. It can go up to 32 MB. When we extract it from the screen, we get an Excel Sheet with all the data from top to bottom. This sheet will have up to 900 000 rows when the 32 MB of the display is full. And all of those rows are one on top of the others, which is not easily readable. I started sorting the data within Excel but loading times are far too long because of the amount of data.

I wanted to know how do you go from the raw AppLog file to a more readable and friendly sheet, without having to much loading time. Do you guys stay within excel or do you extract the data elsewhere? Or maybe you have other technique that I am not aware of.
PLUS+1 Service Tool / Re: E270: Invaild data in file.....
« Last post by PARK HAN SOO on August 12, 2024, 07:36:31 AM »
Thank for your reply.
I solved the problem. Thank you. :D :D :D :D
Displays / DM1000 machine parameters report file
« Last post by sampler on August 11, 2024, 07:24:19 PM »
Is it possible to create a report of machine parameters (temperatures, fluid levels, etc.) in a non-editable file, e.g. PDF? Unfortunately, the csv file is not very transparent for the machine user.
PLUS+1 Service Tool / Re: E270: Invaild data in file.....
« Last post by acmall on August 09, 2024, 09:54:16 AM »
It is not the version of the Service Tool that you are using to open the file that causes the issue I posted, it is the version of P1 Base.

We had the exact same issue you are describing and it was resolved by updating the Update Center which also updates P1 Base. After doing this the file could be opened in the same version of the Service Tool that was previously giving the error.

PLUS+1 Service Tool / Re: E270: Invaild data in file.....
« Last post by PARK HAN SOO on August 09, 2024, 09:31:32 AM »
It opens on my computer, but not on other computers with the same version of the service tool installed.
PLUS+1 Service Tool / Re: E270: Invaild data in file.....
« Last post by acmall on August 09, 2024, 08:49:55 AM »
This could be cased by this issue.

[P100007144] P1D files saved in 2024.2.4 could not be opened by a user of older Service Tools that also used an old version of P1 Base.

If you open the Update Center it should pop up a message that there is new version of the Update Center. This will also update P1 Base.
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